The Single/Married Person ILIT is a Sole-Grantor Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust (ILIT) than can be created by either a single person or a married person.
Its primary purpose is to take title to and hold a life insurance policy(s) on (behalf of) the life of the grantor/insured so proceeds of the policy will not be in the grantor’s estate for transfer tax purposes upon the grantor’s death.
Whenever an owner (one who possesses incidents of ownership) of a life insurance policy dies, the proceeds of the policy become part of his taxable estate.
When a tax leveraged plan, such as a Charitable Remainder Trust, is established by the grantor, it usually means that the grantor has made a sizable deferred gift to charity. Often a means of “replacing” the value of that gift is accomplished with a life insurance policy.
Once the ILIT is set up, the grantor then transfers a certain amount of cash (or other liquid assets) to the trustee of the ILIT under the Crummey Letter Rules.
The grantor holds no powers of appointment over the trust to cause the principal of the trust to be in his estate for tax purposes.
Transfers to the ILIT can qualify for the annual gift tax exclusion for the grantor of $11,000 per grantee/beneficiary (adjusted for inflation in increments of $1,000) when “Crummey Letters” are properly implemented during the transfers to the trust.